Sunday, November 26, 2017

Qur'an 20171127

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

44.  Had We sent this as a Qur'an other than Arabic, they would have said, "Why are not its verses explained in detail?  What!  Not in Arabic, and an Arab?"  Say, "It is a guide and a healing to those who believe, and for those who believe not, there is deafness in their ears, and also blindness.  They are being called from a place far distant!"

Expounded 41:44

Another nice cool day

Hi Honey!  How are you my beloved?  I assume you are very busy, what with Thanksgiving weekend and such.  Please take time to rest and eat adequately.  Please treat yourself as precious, because you are very precious to me.  I love you.  It was another nice cool day here, almost cold.  Other people here would say that it was cold, but I know what cold is.  It rained all day, and I went through the entire day and kept my shirt on!  Wow, first time this year.  It looks like it's going to be a comfortable night, and I get to snuggle with my blankie.  No, it's not an NFL blankie.  I wanted to go out and buy some food, but the rain kept me in.  I'm on the verge of a cold anyway, so better play it safe otherwise I can't work.  So I made pocket bread and heated up the chili.  Say, that chili isn't bad even though it has hot dog chunks in it.  Want some?

Hi Natty honey!  Aw you beautiful sweetheart!  Are you feeling emotional this weekend?  Well you're not alone my dear, you have many people who love you.  And I will marry you and take care of you inshaAllah.  I have to marry Erin first, but I won't abandon you inshaAllah.  I will keep my promise inshaAllah.