Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A brave new world

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today, my love?  It's certainly a brave new world, and I kind of feel that we are Adam and Eve in a way.  But in a good way, OK?  I don't want to make the same mistakes they made.  But wherever you go, there you are.  People are people all over the world, so don't expect them to behave any better here that they do in America.  What matters is that we will be together, inshaAllah.  So let's work towards that.

Hey there Natty Honey!  Are you having tons of fun?  I hope you are.  Luka is doing OK, poor kitty.  It must be tough for her to stay in the house all her life, but she is a princess after all.  She's getting used to the restraining collar.  One good thing about the collar is that it covers up the food bowl, so no one can steal her food!