Monday, September 14, 2020


 Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope all is well with you.  It's Monday over here for me.  Not much going on, just the usual.  Floofy is still bloated, but the pee is coming out.  Slowly.  At least it's coming out.  It looks like a slow heal, though.  I'm scared that she might not be the same again, that's always a fear of that with pets (people too) after a health crisis.  She is eating, though.  I went and bought some fish, then slow cooked it.  When it was done, I took out the fish and cooled it, then cooked some rice with the broth.  Then I mixed in the fish meat into the soggy rice.  Floofy definitely wanted the fish, but not with rice.  Oh well.  At least she's eating.  The other cats love the stuff though.  Looks like I'll have to buy more fish tomorrow.  I just gave her a bath, now she's sulking under the cabinets.  Ya Allah, please heal my Floofy.  Not much going on with my menu.  I had ramen for lunch.  I love ramen!  I don't use chopsticks though.  And for dinner, I bought some takeout rice over at the night market by the crossroads.  Anyway, you take care and have fun OK?  I love you!