Hi Natty! It's wonderful to see you again, my beloved. You look absolutely beautiful. I'm just a little fish floating in the water cupped in your hands. Love is a reason to live. What with greedy people around me, yet I am broke. I need your love. I hope you are having tons of fun over there. Please keep safe and healthy.
I was able to get Mary's set going on Second Life by moving her away from NCI Kuula. I figured that since she was getting attacked regularly, it doesn't matter where she sang as long as she was on the side of the road on public land where SL voice chat is working. I've performed on the side of the street myself, and I know that when one spot becomes troublesome then it's time to find another spot. So I parked Mary right on the edge of the neighboring land, but someone found her then crashed the Internet connection. With a call to my cell phone, the number which I have never given out nor made a call.
So I have decided that Mary Unknown7 is going on a World Tour! Of Second Life! InshaAllah! Not to where there are people, but away from people! A different location by the roadside everyday!