Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The food

Are you hungry, Erin?  The one thing you might notice during this time of year is how much food there is around here.  People selling food, people cooking food, food on the table, food left over, food being thrown away etc.  I mentioned before that the challenge during Ramadan here is not to gain weight, which is rather ironic, and difficult too now that I'm living through it.  Even my cooler is full, because I had been buying food in preparation for the fasting month, after all not many stores are open at 3 am.  Plus food that was given to me.  Plus food dropping from the trees.  I try not to overdo my cooking, and ration myself as if I were going through any other broke month.  And I make sure that I eat all leftovers.

Are you hungry, Natty?  For breaking fast I had a block of fresh tofu with chicken and avocados swimming in my home made extra thick generic curry.  For the predawn meal, I had a huge helping of spaghetti with spicy meat sauce.  I had some sauce left over, so I think I'll make a pizza with that.

I know you're hungry Pina.  You're always hungry.