Monday, May 4, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150505

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Isn't Floofy a cute kitty?  She knew that the photo was for a supermodel to look at, so she started posing.  Don't let that svelte appearance fool you: Floofy is a fat cat.  But I've never seen a cat suck her gut in to look thinner for a photo before.

And how are you feeling today, my dearest Erin?  Are you puzzling over house plans?  If you've seen my grandfather's old house, you may be interested at how one side of the house is quite well built, while the south side of the house is ramshackle.  The well built section, made of brick and wood, is the older part of the house.  The other part, made of planks, zinc, and some asbestos, was built after my teenage years.  Who knows what my grandfather was thinking about then.  It may have been my fault: I was a rotten kid.  From my current perspective, the house is crawling with jinns.  So when you move into your house inshaAllah, I must teach you some verses of the Qur'an so the jinns don't give you a hard time.  As for me, ghosts follow me all the time, but I love the Qur'an and I study it everyday.

My sink is clogged up right now, so I poured some clog remover down there, and it seems to be working, but I need to leave it alone for a while.  So for dinner, I went to the night market and bought some fried chicken, fried noodles and soya milk.  Would you like to share my dinner with me?  Erin I love you, and I need you.