Thursday, January 4, 2024

Bok choy

Hi Natty!  Hi Honey, it's good to see you.  Did you have a wealthy Christmas?  I hope you are having a wonderful time over there.  You probably don't know what to say to me, but I believe we really do need each other.  Just be mundane, how you feel, what's going on.  Please keep safe and healthy, OK.  I love you.

It seems to me that the humans will invest all their labor into tech, that they'll forget to invest labor into food.  But for right now, I'm still able to go to the market.  I bought some bok choy!  You eat both the leaves and stems.  I recently rebooted my fried noodles routine, and I think I perfected it.  InshaAllah.  This time, with bok choy.  The cats approved.