Monday, October 16, 2023


Hi Natty!  Oh yes Honey, bloomers.  I can't help but think there are diapers under those.  Please don't go swimming in soiled diapers.  I don't think I'm supposed to regard exchange between you and your buddies as your addressing me, but it's nice to hear from you.  It's useful to have your own TV station, right?  It's not unusual, practically everyone has their own channel nowadays.  Please keep safe and healthy in your fun OK!

Let me explain to you folks what TV is as simply as I can.  When you got your own TV station, you only want your favorite shows.  For example, Jewish media won't show the torture and killing of Palestinians.  So it matters whose side you are on.  People only like truth if it's something they want.  So the truth is what people with the most power say is true.  But nowadays, everyone has their own channel.  Isn't that great?  Maybe.  Keep in mind that God has most power.  You humans want to challenge that?  Time isn't on your side!