Wednesday, September 8, 2021



Hi Natty!  How are you, Sweetheart?  I hope all is calm and cool with you.  You want some of my fries?  I had fries for dinner to go with my leftover flat noodles.  Yeah it's a weird combination, but that's the beauty of eating alone: nobody cares, least of all me.  I'm full though, and I know I'm not going to get a tummy ache.  But you are welcome to share my fries anytime, because I love you.  Otherwise, there's not much to report today.  I didn't go anywhere, other than to dump the trash then buy my lunch at the corner restaurant.  Ideally it would be no human contact whatsoever during these pandemic days, but I guess that's close enough.  Anyway, it's time to move over.  I love you!