Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120620

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV**

Hi there, my beautiful, beloved young lady Julia.  How are you feeling?  I used to think you enjoyed all the attention being focused on you, after all it is part of our business.  I'm sorry for thinking so.  Please remember that the goal of our marriage is to slow down, and raise a family.  Ya Allah, please protect and heal us.

I have been clearing out the compound my grandfather's old house stands on.  I think I first told you this about a year ago.  Back then it was overgrown with vegetation, vines, trees, thorns, snakes, monitor lizards, etc etc.  Since them I have managed to make the area comparatively safe to walk around, insyaAllah.  There is still much work to do, plus I'm always having to cut grass with my trusty weed whacker, because weeds grow lightning fast out here in the tropics.  Then there's all sorts of rock, metal and asbestos planted into the soil.  Plus, my family used a section of the lot to dump cement and tile, which have since frozen in place.  I either need a backhoe to remove it, or think of a creative way to turn it into a work of art, because only vines can grow on that.  Most of the lot is still fertile, despite its neglect.  Except by the drain by the road to the elementary school on the east side, is very hard and barren, but if weed and thorns can grow there, then anything else can, right?  Phew.  The south side of the compound is the largest and most fertile, with many banana trees.  My grandfather built some outdoor bathrooms which I'm in the process of tearing down right now.  Hey, I like destroying things!  I work like an ant, taking things apart little by little, and patiently.  InsyaAllah.  Or it could be that I'm lazy?  Yes, I'm lazy.  I need to vacuum my bedroom, and scrub the shower.  Yawn.

When some of them are asked to spend in charity, they say,"Why should we feed those who if God had willed, God would have fed?"  Then they say, "When is this promise that you speak of?"  What they are waiting for is a single blast, and it will seize them while they are bitching among themselves.