Friday, June 5, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150606

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin Sweetie!  How are you feeling, Darling?  You must be traveling around as usual, so please make sure you enjoy what you do and please get lots of beauty rest.  I woke up early, and have been busy all day.  Baby mangoes take a lot of attention, so that's what I did at 7 am.  Then I had to go to Friday prayer, and in the evening I went back to stuffing peat pots.  But I did have time before sunset to harvest mangoes from that big tree in my front yard.  Not harumanis, but tasty enough especially when refrigerated.  Ooh, I think I'll have one right now.

Yummy!  You want one?  I'll slice it up for you!  Nice and sweet!  Just like you!  Ow, I'm sore all over.  It's all that physical labor.  I finally got around to putting those ear drops in.  What a weird feeling.  It was odd that my ear cleared up when I left the clinic, before I bought the ear drops.  I think I'll start taking it easy right now.  Maybe I'll work on your house plan a little.  I love you, Erin.  And I need you.