Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130626

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello again, Julia my beloved.  How are you feeling today?  I feel lonely without you, of course.  Because I love you.  I felt listless this morning, staring at my bowl of chili, holding half a loaf of bread.  I put too much chilli powder in this batch.  It's still good, but it feels kind of lonely.  Next time, I'll use a spoon to measure the spice.

Everyone seems to be talking about the massive haze caused by the mass burning of vegetation to make way for industry in Indonesia.  Not that I give much of a rat's ass about what everyone is babbling about, but one of the 10 Signs of Judgement Day is the Smoke.  The haze doesn't seem to have taken over Perlis just yet.  It was very hazy during voice training, but it cleared up soon after the Asr prayer.  Blue sky, with a touch of haze on the northwest horizon.  But I still can't burn the trash.