Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130509

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia.  How are you?  I pray you're doing OK.  I'm doing OK, I got through the political season OK, and I'm still in one piece.  I hate politics.  I spent the evening harvesting mangoes.  This time I was a little more patient, and I only dropped a couple, and they were already close to the ground, so they didn't go splat, or bounce out of control.  I can't let the mangoes fall to the ground naturally, or the bugs will get them first.  I collect them in a cart I have in the kitchen, and let them ripen at room temperature.  Then I stuck them in the cooler.  I've been having mangoes for breakfast everyday.  Yummy!  Would you like to have one?  I'll peel it for you, my love.