Saturday, January 25, 2020

Making dough

Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope you are doing great, keeping safe and healthy, and having a wonderful time.  Are you feeling a bit quiet, don't know what to say?  It happens sometimes.  Sometimes the philosopher, not the sociologist.  If you don't feel like saying anything, then don't.  It's Chinese New Year over here.  Yes, it's tourist season again.  The coronavirus doesn't seem to stop the tourists: they are as thick as a swarm of starlings.  We don't have starlings around here though, but there are other birds that flock just as thick.  Better singers, too.

Nothing special on the menu today.  I can't afford nice ingredients, so I'm just eating to get to the next meal.  Dinner was pita bread with chili and scrambled eggs.  Boring yeah, but the tummy loves boring food.  Don't forget that!  Anyway I'm out of dough, so I have to go make a batch.