Saturday, January 23, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160124

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there!  How are you feeling?  Are you being a good girl?  You're not being quarrelsome just for the sake of being quarrelsome, are you?  Well, let's follow my plan, OK?  I'm here to look after you inshaAllah, to keep you safe, loved, stable, and happy.  This is because I love you and I need you.

As far as I understand, magic appeared against the power of prophet Solomon (peace be on him), also at Babylon to the angels Harut and Marut.  The angels warned humans not to blaspheme.  But the evil ones did blaspheme, and they also learned the means to separate man from wife.  But they could not harm anyone except by Allah's permission, and they learned to harm themselves, not to help themselves.  Do you understand about magic?  To buy magic is to join partners with Allah, because you choose magic over God.  This means that you sell your soul.  The Qur'an is not magic.  The Qur'an is the Word of God.

Today is pizza day, so I made pizza.  One for my parents, one for a family friend, and one for me.  Ach!  Making a good pizza at home is such a tedious process.  This is the downside of experience, because I can't allow myself to make a bad pizza.  The plus side is of course, a great pizza.  Today I used a thicker crust.  The sauce was a bit runny, and so was the sausage.  I used too much hot pepper puree, but chilli powder hurts my tummy so I can't use that.  All for the sake of wanting the sausage to be red.  Hey darling, you want some pizza?