Tuesday, September 13, 2016

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Qur'an 20160914

104.  Know they not that Allah does accept repentance from God's votaries and receives their gifts of charity, and that Allah is God, the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful?

105.  And say, "Work: soon will Allah observe your work, and God's messenger, and the believers.  Soon will you be brought back to the Knower of what is hidden and what is open, then will God show you the truth of all that you did."

(The Repentance 9:104-105)

Ah Erin, I know you're longing to see my photos

You take great photos, you know that?  Always well-centered and relevant.  Have you ever thought of being behind the camera?  That way you can pour your heart out to the world and use other people's faces.  And music, too.  Right now, I have to make do with a crummy cell phone camera.  InshaAllah, I will get one of those magnesium-alloy DSLRs, doesn't overheat!  What do you think?

Nat, you're doing absolutely great!  Please have fun, get plenty of rest, and eat properly.  And always know that you people who love you, OK?

Piene, is your heart aching after the recent excitement?  Just be cool, Sweetie.  Everything will be OK inshaAllah.