Friday, April 12, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130413

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, Julia darling!  How's my beautiful girl feeling?  I seem to have a ot of energy today for some reason.  I wanted to spend all that energy making love to you but you weren't here, so I did some gardening instead.  I cut the grass, I trimmed the flower bushes, I raked the leaves, I trimmed the bamboo, I watered the plants, I picked cashews, I delivered cashews to the neighbor, I cleaned out Batty's cage, all within less than one and a half hours.  Say, do you wanna make out?  Oh, you're not here.

Here's another trip down memory lane for me!  Instead of 40 years ago, it's only 10 years ago, back under the dry, sweltering sun of Phoenix, Arizona.  This song just makes me wanna dance!  Ramon Ayala - Del Otro Lado Del Porton.  Mr. Magic Fingers Ramon Ayala is a REAL rock star, not like most of those wannabes you see on TV.  You can just tell by the way he pauses from his accordion to point and nod at the camera at the end of the song.  It's just so... natural.  Now I'm ignorant, so I can't speak Mexican, so I have to guess what the words mean by looking at the music video.  My guess is that the song is about how the guy doesn't want to kiss his wife anymore because she's no longer young and beautiful, so she runs off with the gardener, and in the end he's standing around at the front gate waiting for her to come home.  What do you think?