Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150903

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  Hi Boss Model!  How are you feeling today, dearest heart?  Are you being a good girl?  For the righteous, their portions are gardens and companions holy.  I want you to know that you have my devotion and my support, and that I love you very much.  And I need you.

It's been a very busy day in the kitchen for me.  Yeah a little knowledge goes a long way, and preparing foods from scratch is superior in quality and value, but it sure eats up a lot of time.  It's the processing of raw foods that takes forever.  I bought a kilo of crab from the Tuesday market.  Tropical crab is annoying because it's so small, not like king or dungeness crab.  Eating it is tedious, and processing it is worse.  What I did with the crab I got was to first separate the legs and claws from the body.  The crab didn't have their helmets because they were sold that way, which is a shame because I wanted the brains.  So I put away the abdomen parts, then squeezed all the meat out of the legs and claws.  The legs are small and skinny, but if you're patient then the meat accumulates.  Tedious!

Then I made marinara sauce.  Trimming the basil took a long time, then I had to run to the supermarket to get tomato soup and fresh tomatoes.  Then come back to stuff everything in the blender and mix it up.  At least my marinara sauce doesn't need cooking- it's ready to go for whatever Italian whatnots and whatevers.  Whoops, redundant!  Yeah, that and later on in the evening, I find my tomatoes about to ripen.  I should have made marinara sauce tomorrow.  Whoops, past future!

I also made fresh sausage.  Home made halal beef sausage.  A batch of sausage goes a long way, and is very versatile.  I made a batch of fresh dough a couple of days ago, and now it's perfect to use.  For dinner I had sausage rolls with marinara sauce.  Would you like to have some?

Hmm.  It's time to try making home made chocolate bars again.  But not tonight.