Wednesday, August 23, 2023

And the winner of the FALL 2023 COUTURE collection competition is...


Hi Natty!  How's business today?  Making the big bucks?  Get it while you can, Honey!  Spending the big bucks?  I'd like to do that!  Keep safe and healthy in your transactions, my love.

I would like to thank Balenciaga for surprising me, by being elegant instead of trashy and "derelicte".

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

19.  Say, "What thing is most weighty in evidence?" Say, "Allah is witness between me and you; this Qur'an has been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches.  Can you possibly bear witness that besides Allah there is another god?" Say, "No!  I cannot bear witness!" Say, "But in truth God is the One God, and I truly am innocent of joining others with God."

The Cattle 6:19

59.  Say, "Praise be to Allah and peace on God's servants whom God has chosen.  Who's better?  Allah or the false gods they associate?"

The Ants 27:59

Mary's outfit is:
Alli&Ali Designs Debbie Hair
BM Jellby Sandal
Zuri Rayna~Poinsettia White/Gold Earrings
[MERCH] Bri Denim Shorts & tank