Friday, August 26, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110827

Tsk tsk tsk, you naughty girl. Don't you go and say stuff like that about God. Now please bend over, I'm going to have to spank you with a blade of grass. Always remember that I love God no matter what anyone says, and God has been my only friend, in many different situations over and over and over again. I appreciate that you may be impatient with the lack of miracles that would materialize our love and marriage (namely my being rich enough to afford Julia), but it could be that your scope has failed to notice certain nuances that are beyond human control. Only God has the Power and the Subtlety to give reckoning to those who harm children. Those in power use their power to stay in power, even if it means eradicating the influence of children. What does this have to do with us? We are a marriage between music and fashion. And children love music, and are too innocent to profiteer, whereas the adults generally fear the pharoah. But I'm sure these modern day pharoahs are actually really nice guys, who have absolutely no selfish intent of maintaining personal glory, and what better way of serving the community than to exert control on the children? Besides, they could always claim that whatever I'm writing here is strictly conjecture, and that God is merely a thing.

So please don't be in such a hurry. Please have faith in God, please be patient, and maintain your prayers in sincerity. We don't want to rush. Take it slow Julia, relax, sleep on it, work towards it slowly, slow things down. When we get there together, our goal is to slow things down even more, so we can enjoy our love and life together. How can you expect a marriage to last in the fast lane? You've seen that mountain of gold, haven't you? The mountain of gold that rises from the dried-up river of emotions? Where people kill each other to partake of it? It will be literal, my love. So, we don't want to rush the Great War (no, not World War I), where the 2 giant armies will have the same grievance: most likely poverty. We don't want to rush Judgement Day. We want to slow things down, and try to taste some happiness with each other while we are stuck in this imperfect world. If we are destined for each other, then God will bring us together. Just relax, be patient, and work as comfortably as possible with what God has given you.

As I told you before, I won't get another chance to blog my love to you again until after the Eid/Independence Day holidays, which will be about Thursday, insyaAllah. Did you try fasting? Most people make such a big deal about the Eid. I love the fasting month much, much more than the Eid. Sure I can fast almost any other time, but it's not the same as Ramadan, and it's not just about the fasting either. Anyway, please forgive me for not writing again until at least next Thursday.

Meanwhile, how about you watch this episode of "The Littlest Hobo?" Muslims aren't supposed to own dogs. I think the moisture from dogs and pigs interfere with worship to Allah. Don't ask why, just wear disposable gloves! But this dog just makes me want to sob. Notice how the humans left the dog to die after it had saved their daughter. They didn't even try! I love this dog so much, ya Allah! If I were allowed to have a dog, it would be just like London.

Qur'an 20110827

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

101. Say, "Behold all that is in the heavens and on earth." But neither Signs nor Warners profit those who believe not.

102. Do they then expect but the days of the men who passed away before them? Say, "Wait you then, for I too will wait with you."

103. In the end We deliver Our messengers and those who believe. Thus it is fitting on Our part that We should deliver those who believe!

104. Say, "O humankind! If you are in doubt as to my religion, I worship not what you worship other than Allah! But I worship Allah, who will take your souls. I am commanded to be of the believers."

105. And further, set your face towards Religion with true piety, and never in anywise be of the unbelievers.

106. Nor call on any other than Allah, such will neither profit you, nor harm you, If you do, behold! You shall certainly be of those who do wrong.

107. If Allah does touch you with hurt, there is none can remove but God. If God does design some benefit for you, there is none can keep back God's favor. God causes it to reach whomsoever of God's servants God pleases. And God is the Oft-Forgiving, most Merciful.

108. Say, "O humankind! Now Truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive Guidance, do so for the good of their own souls. Those who stray, do so to their own loss, and I am not over you to arrange your affairs."

Jonah 10:101-108

Behold all that is in the heavens and on earth.

Wait you then, for I too will wait with you.

O humankind! If you are in doubt as to my religion, I worship not what you worship other than Allah! But I worship Allah, who will take your souls. I am commanded to be of the believers.

O humankind! Now Truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive Guidance, do so for the good of their own souls. Those who stray, do so to their own loss, and I am not over you to arrange your affairs.