Friday, September 11, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150912

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my dearest Erin!  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  It's just another average day for me.  The rain finally ceased, so after the dawn prayer I went to the market.  Ah!  Snapper!  And within my budget, too.  I scored a 2 kilo fish.  The tuna today was huge, and cheaper, but I wanted snapper.  I also bought some won ton skins, tofu, and garlic.  One thing about fish is that it has to be processed.  I had trouble doing that indoors because it's a big fish, and messy, and I have cats in heat inside the house.  So I scaled and gutted the fish in the motorcycle cage, isolated from menacing beasts.  I filleted the snapper inside the house, after locking up the kittens in a bedroom.  Not Floofy, though.  She's very controlled and well behaved.  Except when she sees a lizard on the screen door.  And she's very sensitive about her blubber.  But fat cats are so cute!  Anyway, I had almost a kilo of sashimi for lunch.  All arranged nicely on a square plate and marinated with squid sauce.  One thing about fresh sashimi is that it's pure food: no poop!

After voice training, I gave my Dad a leg massage then cut the grass over at your house inshaAllah.  I cleared out the back yard, the part unseen from the road.  And scored more young coconuts for my Mom.  Dinner was an experiment: sausage and tofu burritos in marinara sauce.  It worked!  Sausage is a perfect match with tofu, especially with marinara sauce!  It was awesome alhamdulillah!  Sorry, I ate yours!  I thought to myself, "Well, sausage goes well with beans, so why not tofu?"  I make one for you, inshaAllah.  I love you, and I need you.  Oh my God, I need a nap.