Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130501

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia, my love.  Whatcha doin'?  I'm just kicking back, waiting to pray, and writing a love letter.  I love you!  It's been raining a lot lately, so finally the hot weather has calmed down.  I don't like hot weather.  I'm very finicky about climate control, especially when singing.  I had steak and rice for dinner.  My Mom gave me a whole bunch of fish sausage, so I've been experimenting with that.  I made fish sausage and okra curry this afternoon.  It turned out OK, but I overcooked the okra.  Want some?  I'm planning to make Italian fish sausage.  Fish sausage is sold in sausage shape, and before cooked it can crumble if play around too much with it.  But it's not raw fish.  It's generally fried.  I prefer to boil it first before frying, to soften the texture.  Otherwise it would be too chewy.  But I'm planning to make Italian fish sausage: crumble it up, add spices, then reshape it, then cook it.  Wanna try some?