Hi Natty! How's the prettiest girl in the world doing today? What, they're not as pretty as you?! Please pray for them, and give thanks to Allah for your beauty. You are the girl I love with all of my heart. Ya Allah, please protect my Natty. Check out the food in the video above! Which one is your favorite? I have to say that the Covid soup is the best dish!
Lookie is 7 years old now, and she needs to have her first batch of kittens because she's getting old. She's been in heat lately, and Adolf Kitler hasn't been doing his job pumping out kittens whenever she's been in heat. The most he's been doing for her is lying on his side and gnawing on her kitty G-spot. If you folks don't know where the kitty G-spot is, it's the scruff of the neck but you need to bite it with sharp teeth in order to stimulate it properly. I suppose it's good that he's relieving some of her tension while she's in heat, but we're going to need those kittens because she's not going to live forever, and Lookie is the last of Floofy's kittens. I want to extend Floofy's bloodline as long as possible. Today it seemed the last day of her current heat, and I finally saw them doing the deed properly. I think we are going to have kittens! InshaAllah. Kittens are a big deal in this house.
This dress is supposed to be black and red, but you can't see the red with ALM on. No wonder it was on sale.