Monday, March 1, 2021


 Hi Natty!  How are you today?  Getting over it yet?  Oh how I wish for a life with no problems, but that would be heaven.  We're still on earth.  Please take care of your health and safety.  Today is Monday over here, and it's business as usual.  I went downtown to pick up this year's form from the taxman, I went to the pharmacy to get some stuff for Lookie, then I stopped at the supermarket to get some ice cream for my nephew's birthday.  I had lunch downtown.  Noodles in soup, of course!  This time, someone else made it.  I had to go out again in the evening to get gasoline, kitty litter and mosquito incense.  Take heed, mosquitoes are very dangerous!  Then I bought dinner at the night market.  Takoyaki, soybean milk, and some cakes.  It doesn't take much to fill me up nowadays.  I used to be able to quaff quite a bit, without getting obese.  Now I'm not such a glutton anymore.  Anyway, more work after this.  It's wardrobe time!