Monday, August 2, 2021

Downhill run!

 Hi Natty!  How's it going, Honey?  How's the knee?  Oh it looks like a light scrape, but I hate to see even the slightest blemish on you.  You're so beautiful.  Please don't do anything dangerous for fun, please keep yourself safe and pristine.  That stuff is fun to watch, but please don't do it yourself.

Oh, it's Monday!  At first I didn't want to go out, but the weather was clement so I had to take the opportunity to go to the office of the Mufti (boss Islamic official) to get the next prayer schedule.  The Islamic New Year is about a week away.  My own schedule revolves around the prayer schedule.  I get the prayer out of the way before I attend to anything else.  That's me though: Islam is flexible, but I find the best way to do the stuff I do is to attend to the prayers first.  I had takeout rice for lunch, and I fried up some noodles for dinner.  I used the leftover fond I had from the roast beef.  The noodles were successful, and sweet.  Want some?