Sunday, January 22, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120123

**sniffle** oh dear i can't focus... where am i? Oh yeah! I have the sniffles again, Julia. How long has it been since the last allergy attack? It's been about a month, I think. That's a long time! Usually, it's every 2 weeks. This environment wreaks havoc on my nasal allergies, which in turn has a profound influence on my voice. But I have managed to sing everyday for nearly a year now, thanks to a strict nasal cavity draining routine which I devised for myself, so the sinus fluids don't run down my throat and destroy my voice. What is the routine? Let the snot drip into a bucket until there's none left. Don't flush your nasal cavity with water: just let it dry by itself. There's a brain-eating amoeba on the loose!

I don't know if you will get this letter on time, since it is the Chinese New Year, which happens to be a public holiday, and the internet cafe may be closed. It's all the same old day to me, but there has been a ridiculous amount of traffic out on the roads here in the kampung these past few days. Congestion, both traffic and sinus! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! There was a wedding just down the street: my old high school teacher's kids were getting married. People were using my yard as a parking lot, and I had to let them do so. At least none of my baby fruit trees got killed. No, I don't hang out with any of my old high school friends anymore. I was hated back in high school anyway, the outcast, the evil one. I left a trail of destruction in my wake, and I didn't snap out of it until I turned 42. Music didn't save me. Allah is the One who saved me. Thank you, ya Allah.