Monday, February 5, 2018

The Pink Vinaigrette

Hi Honey!  How's it going?  Are you super super busy?  Please don't forget me, because I love you.  When I was searching for a name brand dressing the other day, I didn't find any vinaigrette or oil and vinegar or Italian dressings, so I made up some of my own.  When I was working in the restaurant, I made the dressing by combining oils and vinegars and a seasoning packet.  One day, I was making ranch dressing, but they were all out of the ranch seasoning packet.  So I grabbed the Italian dressing packet and poured that in there, laughing out loud to myself because I knew what would happen.  Lo and behold, all the ranch dressing sold out.  But ranch always sells out!  Some months later, they came out with "Italian ranch" seasoning packet.

But whatever.  Let them have it.  I'm at the edge of my budget, so I couldn't experiment with expensive oils and vinegars, so I used what I had.  I made today's vinaigrette with palm oil, plain white vinegar, water, anchovy bouillon, and fresh chopped chives and cilantro.  Vinaigrette dressing is usually the color of the oil, so I added some color with a teeny weeny bit of unsweetened rose syrup, and the dressing turned pink.
I made some tomato and cucumber salad with it, which had chopped garlic and onion in it.  But I also bought more spinach (boy, spinach is sure cheap in this town), so today's salad is spinach with tomato and cucumber.
Hi Natty Honey!  How's school?  Oh it's business as usual for me!  Today I want you to watch another James Bond movie.  From 2002, "Die Another Day" with Pierce Brosnan as Bond.  I think he made a great Bond.  All the Bonds cast were good choices, except Timothy Dalton.  I didn't like him as Bond.  I think your big brother would make a great James Bond.  Kind of like a Roger Moore.