Monday, December 24, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121225

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, beloved Julia.  How are you feeling?  I pray you are healthy and happy.  You must be busy right now, doing things you are used to doing.  Me, it's business as usual.  *sniffle*  Somehow, I caught the sniffles.  But I must keep working, I must try to sing everyday, insyaAllah.  Because my situation glorifies Allah.  I'm not a prophet, but I have to work everyday.  I'm sure there are plenty of people who call themselves Muslim who take the day off today to celebrate Christmas, just as there are those who call themselves Christian who have to work today.  Turn on the TV, and you will see them.  I am not allowed to compromise in that sense.  Just as I will not compromise my choice of you as my wife, in respect of your half-naked friends.  I stand by you because I love you no matter what day it is.

Please take good care of yourself, please maintain your prayers because you represent the both of us, and have a great day.