Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150203

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi, sweet beloved Erin.  It's 6:10 am, I'm up early today because performed some additional worship, and I want to go to the market to restock my cooler.  I have one of those ancient coolers which is about 30 years old, that used to belong to my Mom.  I remember using it when I was a kid.  This type of cooler accumulates frost, so right now I'm defrosting it so I can restock it.  I still have a couple of sirloin steaks, so today I definitely want to get some chicken, and perhaps some seafood.  The problem with raw foods is that they need to be processed and portioned before storage, and some foods like shellfish can't be stored.  By the time I get back, I'll be exhausted.

Now it's 4 pm, and I just finished voice training.  This morning I bought 2 kilos of chicken wings, a kilo of chicken breast, and a 2 kilo snapper.  Big fish.  I saw 5 blue marlin at the market.  Wow!  Who would eat that?  Huge fish!  All I would be able to handle is one steak.  I was pretty tired when I got back from the market, after all, I had been up since before 5 am.  But I managed to whip up the energy to process, portion, clean the freezer, then put everything away and clean up.  After that I had my lunch, which was almost a half kilo of snapper sashimi, then I took a nap.  I'm still learning to be a sushi chef, but I'm getting the hang of decorating the plate with fish slices.  I had to coop up the indoors cats all this while, and ---- was bawling her heart out.  She considers herself the most feminine of all the cats, so she cries the loudest and most persistently.  Crying doesn't make you feminine.  Anybody can cry.  ---- was quite pissed off at me for imprisoning her, and she bit my toe when I released her.  After she received her snackipoo, of course.

Erin, I told you before that it's very lonely at the top.  So please be patient, and pray.  And don't despair.  If you despair, it means you have no faith, not just in God, but in our love.  And I love you, Erin.  I will marry you, inshaAllah.  I love you, and I need you.

Qur'an 20150203

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

78.  And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own creation.  He says, "Who can give life to bones and the decomposed?"

79.  Say, "God will give them life, Who created them the first time."  For God is Well-versed in every kind of creation.

Ya Sin 36:78-79

God will give them life, Who created them the first time.