Monday, July 20, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150721

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Wha... you're mad at me again?  What did I do?  I did catch that video of your doing that basketball jump.  I think you are so beautiful and feminine, and I love you very much.  And I need you.

For dinner today is cheeseburgers!  I've had a craving for cheeseburgers.  Burger buns are hard to find recently for whatever reason.  Maybe the MacDonald's mob is putting the squeeze on burger bun makers.  But I think sliced bread tastes better anyway.  I'm not rationalizing, sliced bread does taste better!  I made some mayo this morning.  It's a good batch, nice and smooth.  I also made hot sauce, great for dipping chicken nuggets, fried calamari, or stuffed won tons.  I couldn't find any lettuce anywhere, well I was too lazy to go downtown, but the tomatoes were great.  I did find some big, fat, and fresh cuttlefish.  Such great looking squid, hardly any smell at all.  I got 4 in a kilo, that will make some hefty fried calamari.  Oh I'm sorry, but I ate your burger since you're not here.  I'll probably make cheeseburgers again soon, so please make sure you show up for dinner.