Hi Grace! How are you feeling? What's for lunch? You don't show the world what you eat. I'll have you know that food and fashion businesses are big deal endorsements for our family. You're going to get spied on anyway over these two things, so you might as well be obvious as to what you do about them.
I sure hope you're not a sugar addict. Even though sugar is well known for its toxicity, but nowhere is it outlawed. That's because it's too late humans, so die, die, DIE!!! I don't consume much sugar. I drink my coffee black no sugar, and my tea green no sugar. I bought a kilo of sugar 3 months ago to cut my hot sauce with, I used 4 tablespoons and now it's sitting in the cooler otherwise the ants would claim it. A kilo of sugar usually lasts me at least a year. Sometimes I get the craving for sweet drinks, especially during the fasting month. Then I drink the tea, and the craving goes away. Occasionally I buy an ice cream bar. This morning I bought a small pack of coffee candy, it should take me a month to finish it. No, I don't have diabetes. Alhamdulillah. The rest of my family do, though.