Thursday, April 29, 2021

Lily and Bro


Hi Natty!  How are you today, Honey?  I hope you are well, and enjoying yourself.  Lily passed away today right after Mary Unknown7 finished her set.  As far as I recall, Yoolie passed away at the same time of day.  I was prepared to take care of Lily as an invalid cat.  I had some aquarium tubing to feed her fish and rice smoothies, and I went to the pharmacy and bought more puke control pills.  But Allah was merciful, and didn't allow her to suffer as an invalid.  My perspective is I couldn't bury her while she was still alive, so it meant I had to fight for what was left of her life.  I don't do euthanasia.

Today is exactly one year since Lily and her brother Bro aka Adolf Kitler came into my family.  Adolf belongs in the "Life Goes On" club.