Hi Natty! Wow Honey, you look absolutely fabulous! You are beautiful, my love. But that can't really be Hollywood, right? There's no snow on that hill! It's amazing the difference a simple "I love you" makes. I love you!
If you didn't already know Honey, today is my birthday. Yes I'm a Pisces, I guess. Whatever that means. Kurt Cobain was a Pisces, right? Actually I share the same birthday as Bugsy Siegel, 60 years apart. I don't think I have much in common with Kurt and Bugsy. The biggest difference is that I'm still alive. I'm still alive! That's the theme of my birthday. So "Praise be to Allah" and "From Allah is our origin and to Allah is our return".
Mary Unknown7 won't be performing at Fireside Karaoke anymore, folks. This means that the only valid stream is http://s3.free-shoutcast.com:18276/ until I can secure a backup. So where is Mary now? Veteran Second Life users already know where she is. She is... somewhere, using the voice chat to sing. Anyway, these are the last girlie pictures of Mary at Fireside Karaoke:
-LEO- gold necklace - with chains
:: Miss Canning :: [ Sugar Hair ]
BM Jellby Sandal
Ghee Crystal Mini Skirt - DAISY