Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151022

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello again, beautiful Erin!  Keeping safe, my dearest?  Please do so.  I want the best for you my love, for I love you. And I need you.  I woke this morning ready for my fish.  Eeyah, cooking takes a long time nowadays.  Gone are the times when I can make a pizza in 10 minutes.  But I did get to prep my fish yesterday.  I removed the guts, the head and the tail, filleted it, and kept the skin and spine.  There was still a lot of meat attached to the skin and spine.  I had some desiccated coconut left in the freezer, so I cooked that to death in red hot pepper puree and lime juice.  When that was dry enough, I added some chopped garlic to it, stuffed the sides of the fish with it, added some slices of fresh tofu, then bound the fish together with string.  Then I fried it up, not too crispy.  It tasted OK.  Next time, I'll use fresh coconut.  What tasted the most awesome was the dregs of oil at the bottom of the wok.

It's a super hazy day today.  Very surreal.  But incredibly humid.  It's like a dreamscape out there.  I went to the pharmacy in the evening to get some eye drops, I also stopped for gasoline and cooking oil.  See you later, Dreamer Girl.