Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150715

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you feeling, Sweetie?  I'm sitting here, waiting for them to call the sunset prayer, so I can eat a date then take 2 aspirin and some cough syrup.  Yeah I'm still feverish, but it's not out of control inshaAllah.  I wanted to go downtown this morning, but lately it could start pouring at any given moment, and if I get caught in the rain right now, I'm done for.  For dinner it's noodles again, spicy Thai variety again.  I was thinking about anchovy stock, but I changed my mind.  I had all this leftover won ton stuffing so I put it in the broth, and that really thickened it up.  I'm starting to really love fresh tofu.  This fever is making me really drowsy and tired during the day, so I can't do too much of anything.  I did work out, though.  But at night it's the flip side: I was up at 1 am again, so I spent 3 hours playing bass and watching TV.  I always write music rhythm first, because I want to dance even though I can't dance.  Bad feet.  But when we are together inshaAllah, we can make up our own dances.  Somewhere I don't stomp on your feet.  I've become really clumsy.  Beautiful Erin, I love you very much.  And I need you.

Qur'an 20150715

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

47.  And they used to say, "What!  When we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised up again?"

48.  "And our fathers of old?"

49.  Say, "Yes, those of old and those of later times."

The Inevitable 56:47-49

Yes, those of old and those of later times.