Friday, October 9, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151010

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Erin, my darling?  How are you feeling today, Sweetie?  You're such a cutie, Erin.  Even the way you throw a ball is cute.  I love you, and I need you.  Oh, I'm so moody today.  Mood swings from hell.  I was OK on my way downtown this morning to get some won ton skins, then suddenly the mood swings hit.  It's like I was Zam the puppy dog most of the time, then suddenly turning into Zam the wolf at any given moment in an instant.  At times like this, I don't want any human contact whatsoever, but today is Friday.  Ya Allah, please grant me patience and constancy!  Oh well.  Who knows what happiness is.  I feel it may only be bought in the next life.  So I'll just go back to glimpses of happiness.  Like a bowl of fresh stuffed won tons.  Want some?

I would like to add that I'm very pleased that you are not giving out reminders of your generosity when conducting recent charity work.  Sincerity only makes you more beautiful.  So beautiful that you don't need make up.  Keep up the good work, OK?