Friday, February 17, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120218

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, sweet Julia! My, I can sense that you are extra intense lately. Hey, I like you that way, my intensely gorgeous girl! Go ahead and scare them. You turn me on!

I found some clams last Wednesday evening at the night market. Good sized ones too, with no sand! The great thing about clams is the broth: that's the juice inside the living clam before it opens up from being cooked. I fried up the little suckers in a wok using a touch of my Mom's recipe, namely some chilli sauce (if you've forgotten, chilli sauce is tomato ketchup with chilli flavoring). But theoretically, you can fry it up in anything, because what gives the flavor is the clam broth. Make sure you cook clams to death! Or more practically, until every single one of those bad boys is wide open. The broth generated in this session was particularly intense, so I couldn't slurp up all that soup: I could only dip my clam into the broth like a spoon and suck out the meat. I didn't waste the leftover broth, though. I froze it and used it the next day to make fried noodles. Ah, what mild but flavorful fried noodles! It almost tasted like a pasta salad. Clam broth becomes poisonous quickly, so please make sure you use it all up immediately! I offered some noodles to my Mom, but she refused. One thing about my Mom, she's the most competitive cook in the world.

Well, I'm going to go enjoy some ice cream now. You take care of yourself, my beautiful dearest, and please maintain your prayers. I'll be here waiting in all chastity for the day when Allah allows me the means to marry you. I love you, Julia.