Saturday, May 3, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140503

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my gorgeous wives.  I love you, I love you.  I went to blog on Thursday evening in the midst of my illness, but they were closed for Labor Day.  Labor Day?  I have to work everyday, and I'm not even a prophet.  Singing well is difficult to begin with, try singing while hacking up loagies.  But alhamdulillah, that's all that's left of the flu of the year, is the clearing of phlegm from my lungs.  I pray you are taking good loving care of yourselves, and being good girls.  You are so beautiful and wonderful, you are the light of my life, and I love you, I love you with all my heart.  I need you, I need you.

Thus I finally had the strength to cut the grass in my yard.  Floofy was bugging me about that, and she was right.  The place was starting to lok like an vacant lot.  I usually like the wildflowers here in Malaysia, but right now the wild growth is hideous for some reason, so I whacked them all out.  The clover seems to have moved to Casa de Julia for some reason.  I like clover: it's pretty, and it grows short.  Oh well.  Wish you were here.  Please be patient my beloved, and pray.

Letter to Julia 20140501

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful precious darlings.  How are you feeling, o ravishing ones?  I guess I got forced into overdrive while I was sick.  That was a tough week for me, and I'm still feverish.  Ya Allah, I hope I passed your exam.  Exams, exams, exams.  I guess it's true that high school never ends.  Anyway, how are the most beautiful girls in the world?  I love you I love you so much, my dearest wives, and I need you, I need you.  You are in my heart all the time.  You are MINE, MINE.

Qur'an 20140501

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

88.  Strain not your eyes at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them, nor grieve over them, but lower your wings to the believers.

89.  And say, "I am indeed he that warns openly and without ambiguity."

90.  As We sent down on those who divided,

91.  As have made the Qur'an into shreds.

92.  Therefore, by your Lord, We will, of a surety, call them to account,

93.  For all their deeds.

94.  Therefore expound openly what you are commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.

The Rocky Tract 15:88-94
I am indeed he that warns openly and without ambiguity.