Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How's work?

Hi Honey!  How was your day today?  How was work?  I had a tough day at work today.  I know it's going to be a bad work day when my voice doesn't want to come out on the very first song.  I know why singers like to do drugs or kill themselves- it's very difficult to sing well.  To sing well, you have to sing perfectly.  To sing perfectly, you have to have the perfect feeling, and you have to have the perfect feeling all the time.  Which is impossible for a human being, but it is the job of a singer.  Today was such a hot day.  It was so hot, I couldn't rest or sleep.  It's so important for me that I nap before I sing, but I couldn't rest at all, it was so hot.  Today's set was a failure.  There were maybe a couple of good songs in there, but most of the set was crap.  I need air conditioning.  It won't solve everything, but at least it would help me rest.

Natty Honey, are you getting an award?  Wow!  You haven't worked at all this year, and it's already the middle of March.  You must be a movie star or something.  Well, congratulations.  You deserve it, and you are beautiful.  You are MY girl.

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