Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Just another average day

Hi Natty!  How are you?  It must be warming up over there.  Oh, the mountains must be gorgeous this time of year.  What a wonderful feeling it must be to warm up to the sun in spring!  Enjoy yourself, Sweetie.  I hope you are feeling great and having a marvelous time.  It's just another average day here for me.  I did my laundry in the morning.  I had a mushroom omelet for lunch.  I have so much rice right now, I have to eat it, and I have been eating it everyday.  But today I didn't want rice, so I opted for fried rice vermicelli.  Yeah, it's made from rice but it's a different dining experience.  It comes dried, so you have to soak it for a bit before using it.  Not so if you're making soup though, you can just chuck it into the broth and it will work out fine.  I chopped up garlic and ginger for the fond, with some "sambal tumis" (blended onions, chillies and "belacan" (fermented shrimp paste) fried in oil until saturated), then some slices of cat food (raw chicken breast), added the noodles and mixed it up with soy sauce.  I made some space in the middle of the mix to put in a little oil to fry up an egg, let it harden a little, then mix it up again.  I shut the heat off then added then fresh sliced chillies and chopped chives, plus dried onions, salted radish, and plankton shrimp.  This is the first time I tried the plankton shrimp (dried shrimp the size of plankton): tastes like squid.  Mix it up one last time, and it's ready.  Anyway, I think dinner was a success.  Alhamdulillah.  Want some?

Check out that armpit!  Digital armpit!

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