Thursday, April 23, 2020

Happy Earth Day!

Hi Natty!  Happy Earth Day!  Oh, I remember those snapshots.  That was when you did your epic trek along the West Coast.  At first I thought it was USA, now it looks like Canada.  What I recall most is that you looked so tired at the end of it, I felt so bad!  Happy Earth Day.  I'm glad you are here to remind me.  What did I do today?  I cut the grass!  Oh, don't worry about the grass.  There's plenty more where that came from.

The fasting month of Ramadan begins tomorrow.  It is a mandatory task for all Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan, just like it is a mandatory task for all Muslims to pray 5 times a day.  We go without food, drink, sexual activity and vulgar language from dawn to sunset.  A female on her period is exempt from fasting, but she must make up the days she missed before the next Ramadan.  A lot of people dread the fasting month, but I quite enjoy the month.  I guess if you were a glutton, drug addict or chain smoker, you would dread the fasting month.  For the rest of us it's business as usual, other than our eating times change.  I will be eating at 4 am and after the sunset prayer.  I don't what time I will be posting my letter to you each day during Ramadan.  Last year it was before sunset, but nowadays I have to regard the Jap kids and their TikTok video, which I have to watch before posting.

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