Sunday, November 24, 2019


Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope you are feeling healthy and confident, and are having a wonderful time.  You better bundle up for the rain and snow.  It's that time of the year, I guess.  I'm doing OK, a bit tired.  Sundays are busy for me.  I didn't want to do anymore labor in the evening, I had to go buy gasoline anyway.  I stopped by the supermarket and picked up some mayo and more chicken.  I wanted to be full, so I spent the evening making dinner.  Steak and cheese sandwiches!  My mother had already given me some steak for lunch, which I didn't eat because I had already bought my lunch.  So I used that for my dinner instead.  I had some steak in my cooler ready already, not as good of a cut than the piece my Mom gave me, but once you slice it up then heat it up with butter, then it works.

Sundays are back to black!  A sparkly black dress for Mary Unknown7, the kind of dress that can only be worn by an entertainer.  She did wear that dress to the dance club earlier.  Dance club music has evolved somehow.  From what I heard when I went there with Mary, it's kind of like hits of the past century put to a dance beat.

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