Saturday, April 16, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160417

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, Erin.  I want you to know that I think you are very beautiful, and I love you with all my heart.  I didn't have a very productive morning.  Though I got up early, I slept most of the morning away after watering the plants.  With all that sleep, I should have rocked right through my voice training set.  But I think I'm getting better alhamdulillah, and it's wearing me out.  The increase in knowledge wears me out.  There's simply no perfection in this life.  We may think that because of our abilities or gifts, we deserve the best of everything.  But there's no  perfection in this life.  That's why we cannot keep all the friends that we make through life, for if they don't become corrupt then we do.  So there's no use in being conceited with what we have and have achieved.

Remember I told you that there were hundreds of creepers crawling over the deadwood that I chainsawed on the west border of your house inshaAllah?  I spent the evening breaking them down again with the chainsaw.  But there were too many army ants, so I soaked them down with bug spray.  But there were too many of them, I'll have to let the poison soak in before I try again.  No, I didn't take a photo of it.  Yard work is sweaty work, and I don't feel like handling a chainsaw and a camera at the same time.  I will eventually take photos of the area where I live and what will be your house inshaAllah.  I'm warning you that since I don't have any money, everything still looks squalid (which is not as bad as what it used to look like).  But with a vision of faith and imagination, then anything can be inshaAllah.  Then I had dinner at Ina's.  She has rice in RM1 portions, which I enjoy with iced tea.

I've been a lone wolf most of my life.  You have many friends and some powerful bosses, but none of them have any influence on me.  My Boss is Allah.  But you do have one friend that is with me all the time.  It's Floofy.  I can't explain it, but that cat is a devout advocate of you to me.  She always defends your actions, and always thinks highly of you.  I feel that she is more devoted to you than to me.  I'm just the guy who feeds and protects her.  When you meet her inshaAllah, make sure you thank her, always be gentle with her, and do whatever she asks you to do.

It's going to take me a while to process your Instagram page.  I know you would want me to go through the whole thing.  I'm still angry, and I don't want to consume too much at a time.  If you care about how I feel, then please make an effort to delete any offending posts.  It should be simple for you to understand me: I'm as sensitive as you are.  I love you and I need you.

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