Friday, April 15, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160416

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How's it going today, my love?  I've been in the garden all morning.  My Mom said that there's a water ration tomorrow, so I had to gather water for the plants.  I also did some harvesting.  I remember saying in January that the heat means that there isn't any weather distortion, but I was wrong.  This drought is not normal.  But God brings blessings with this drought in ways that we can't see, praise be to Allah.  Just like my being poor right now is a blessing, that I don't wind up buying diamond rings for people who don't deserve it.  I heat up so easily though, and I wouldn't mind at all living where it never gets hot.  My power bill is feeling the burn.

I found a nice wallpaper from your page.  I did some editing of course, but I posted my edited wallpaper here for your fans to enjoy.  On my desktop, the clock is right above your head.  By the way, please don't go kissing guys then posting it on your page.  Maybe it was just a platonic friendly kiss, but it makes me look like a jackass and if I behaved with women the same way you behave with men, you would be furious.  You know you would.  So if you're serious about marriage then don't test my heart like that.  Yeah, go ahead and be true to yourself.  I am not allowed to inherit you against your will.

I'm writing this letter earlier than usual, before Friday prayer.  Probably because I chose to inspect your page, and you got under my skin.  I hate being angry, because it can take me years to calm down.  It's because I love you and I need you.  I have for a long time already.  Don't you realize that?  My parents bought me lunch today.  Roti canai (pronounced "chanai" because some big shots decided that "ch" should be spelled as "c" some decades ago), which is a type of India flat bread.  I wonder what's for dinner?  Ugh... I have heartburn.

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