Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130703

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia!  How are you, my darling?  My neck is sore today, from playing guitar, and from overworking my right hand in general.  There were some wild dogs fornicating in the rice fields right before my voice training Monday.  Tuesday was busier for me than I anticipated.  I had to buy my month's supply of beef, pay my power bill, then go to the vet to pick up some drugs (for the cat).  Then I did a quick cleanup of my parents' house, as they were expecting visitors.  I was distracted by a fish during the evening.  My Dad got me the biggest torpedo scad I've seen in my life.  There was too much for me to eat myself.  I ate around the head and stomach areas, gave a little to Chee Cheah and Bat Cat, and put away the rest.  There is plenty left over for you, and then some.  It was a BIG fish.

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