Sunday, June 30, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130701

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia, my dearest.  How are you, my love?  I pray you're feeling healthy and confident.  I just finished my dinner of a loaf of bread and a bowl of chili.  No, I didn't get around to making any bread.  I still have the yeast in a plastic bag in the cooler unopened.  I'm getting too lazy to cook.  Especially something like tortillas, without a tortilla press, is so tedious, I don't even want to think about it.  Did you know that fresh mackerel roe and liver tastes better without soy sauce?  That's what I think.  That's what I had for an afternoon snack.  I bought a half kilo of fish for Batty, it's a shame to waste that delicious roe and fish liver.  I don't really plan my meals anymore unless I'm flat broke, or I have to defrost something.  It would be fun to plan meals with you, but alone it makes no difference.  Well, I'm going to start setting up my guitar.  I need to practice more.

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