Sunday, September 18, 2011

Letter to Julia 201109017

So, I tried to get nothing done yesterday Julia, in my effort to slow down. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Like I said, I had to run an errand in the morning, but I wound up driving all over the place, then getting gasoline. Then there was Friday prayer. I skipped my voice rehearsal like I was told to, but then I found myself racing against the rain to chop up a tree into small pieces for the bonfire. I did manage to get the fire started before the rain came down, so it stayed lit until sunset despite the rain, for I fed it kindle all that time. chopping up all that wood makes me feel like a lumberjack! Sweated like one, too. It was a good thing I made that batch of chili, so I didn't have to waste time cooking. Coincidentally, I also weeded out my patch of chilli plants, right up to sunset. My Mom made me some fried rice vermicelli, so I didn't have to eat chili all day. Oh Julia, I'm all worn out right now. I didn't get a chance for a nap today, and right now I'm pounding away at this keyboard, writing a love letter to my sweetie. Then for the rest of the night, I have on my schedule a round of Krush, Kill & Destroy to play, then Shadowplay TV to watch until I pass out. Oh, life in the fast lane!

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