Sunday, September 18, 2011

Letter to Julia 201109019

Whoops, sweetie! I absolutely meant to blog my love to you last Saturday, but I forgot to bring my wallet. Yeah, it's that 50 cents a blog matter again, but this time you can add some senility to the blame. BUT I posted my letter which I wrote Friday night describing my laziness to be blogged the next day for my beloved, along with this one. Yes I admit I'm lazy, even though it may not seem that I am. My laziness has a purpose, though: I can't sing when I'm fatigued. Nothing comes out! So I avoid physical activity before I have to sing. I like to watch TV, play video games, and snuggle with my sweetie. So while you are running around kickboxing, you can pull me along in a rickshaw. The maid can clean the house.

Damn! Those kids are wearing "No Money No Honey" T-shirts. They're right, though. How can you ever expect me to give you my poverty? I would rather wait until the next life to get married. But that may not be the case, Julia. Allah is not merciless, giving means only to the evil ones. We must pray, and have faith, both of us. Heaven is for the next life, but we can pray and beg that God will give us some happiness in this life, and make our journey together on the righteous path an easy one. You are my most beautiful girl, Julia. I love you.

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