Thursday, September 15, 2011

Letter to Julia 201109016

Hi, Julia! I had an extra errand to run today, so I thought I would say hi. I don't really talk all that much, I'm a really quiet person y'know. But since your my sweetie, I must tell you how beautiful you are, and how I care for you deeply. Please take good care of your beautiful body, please make sure you are eating properly, that you are maintaining your prayers, and that you are trying to slow down. That is our goal together, is to slow down, to make more time to pay attention to you, and give you a good life.

Oh, I'm trying to slow down. But when I practice singing, I have to practice stamina, so I hammer through song after song, one after the other, for about one and a half hours average everyday, which knocks the wind out of me. Then I have to practice the drums, and make sure I play with power, and that completely wears me out. Then, I have to practise balance, between being an aggressive and angry drummer, to being the most feminine chick singer ever, insyaAllah.

Anyway, I gotta go. You slow down too, OK?

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