Grace, you should be earning enough money inshaAllah. Don't sign any contracts and let people steal your money and music from you. If you need to record your music, buy the equipment and figure it out yourself. Don't go around asking anyone for anything, advice or whatever. You will find that studio work is just like editing video or playing guitar. Don't be in such a rush. Take your time, make mistakes, and give us good music. All that's left is for you to grow as an artist. Always be true to your emotions when you play the guitar. And please share your growth with me.
What baffles me most about Peter Green is that he brought Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwan into his band, when could have done all the guitar by himself. Maybe he was being generous or something. In the end, with the help of drugs, he got sick of the music and left his own band. My source says that he was ungrateful to God, that's why his life turned out that way.
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